sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016


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Marisol Godoy (2000) Educación inicial. Recover from  http://www.educacioninicial.com/EI/contenidos/00/2200/2240.ASP

Claudia (2013) Slide Share. Recover from http://es.slideshare.net/ClaudiaPanda/etapas-del-lenguaje-0-5-aos

Cicerchia Meredith (2014) lingua.ly a Brand new way to learn a language. Recover from https://lingua.ly/blog/language-learning-vs-language-acquisition/

(N.D.) Language Study. Recover from http://www.languagestudy.com/blog/

Nordquist Richard (2016) About education. Recover from http://grammar.about.com/od/ab/g/Bilingualism.htm

Alarcón Neve, Luisa Josefina. (N.D.) El fenómeno del bilingüismo y sus implicaciones en el desarrollo cognitivo del individuo. Recover from http://www.uv.mx/cpue/colped/N_29/el_fen%C3%B3meno_del_biling%C3%BCismo.htm

Chritopher Thiery (N.D.). Language, interpretation and communication. Recover from http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-1-4615-9077-4_14

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